Leadership Coaching
Being a leader is hard work, are you ready to lead?
You can read hundreds if not thousands of books on leadership development. However, more people find themselves in leadership positions because of a job change, your company selected you or you decided on your own you had what it took to be a leader. In any of these cases, you are going to need help.
Every leader needs training and on the job experience where they can learn and develop leadership skills. Your executive coach accelerates the process and helps you develop deeper understandings of your leadership style and fast tracks you up the learning curve. You will find yourself in many leadership situations which are all coachable moments in your career. Pick the right executive coach to help you through that process. You will find the following leasership coaching services relevant to what you need to do in your job.
Call now to set up an initial appointment and help your coach understand your situation and what type of coaching you will need and when. Your coach will help you define a plan and add various types of coaching services to your coaching sessions. Below is a simple list of some of the services you can enlist your coach to work with you on
People Management- Difficult situations at work with a peer or manager? Improve peer and managerial relationships.
Executive on-boarding- Executives get hired into a company and need assistance with getting on board with the company culture, politics and strategies. The first 6 months is the most critical for the executive to be successful in their new job.
Strategy Development- You will be called on to develop a business strategy for your team or boss. You will need to develop a team vision and objectives and then lay out a strategy that fits.
Coach the Coach- Develop coaching skills for your management team.
Communication- Email, Phone, Fax, Meetings, Conference calls.... Streamline communications by eliminating clutter and mess. Develop direct communication styles to get things done.
Coaching for Managers- Many managers get promoted to their positions because they were technically the best at what they did. Now they have to
manage people and they need help navigating through the process.
Teamwork - Develop strong team relationships and dynamics.
Performance Management-
Do you have troubles keeping your performance up to
expectations? Your coach can help you through the difficult issues to meet your performance objectives.
Retention- Help retain the best employees by investing in their development so they can positively contribute to the organization.
Delegation- Professional individual contributors need to develop delegation skills when they become a manager for the first time.
Time Management- Your coach can help you set up personal systems to get control of your time in the workplace and personal life.
Work/Life Balance- Identify and resolve imbalances in your work/life
Setting Goals and Objectives- Use proven methods to set stretch goals and objectives that are attainable. Develop the strategies to accomplish them.
Assessments- Take the Strength Finder or DISC assessments. Find out what you are good at and how you interact with others.